ZD Signature Roses and Chocolate Box


A symbol of love and appreciation, roses have been given for centuries to convey messages of the heart. And there is no more romantic gesture than a dozen red roses. Our Fresh red roses designed inside a black velvet round box is the perfect way to show your deepest feelings. With their rich color, these velvety blooms will fill any room with romance. Hand-picked and gathered into a beautiful bouquet, our red roses are sure to make a lasting impression.

All flowers are subject to availability. In case the illustrated flower is unavailable for any reason, we will substitute it for a flower of the same or higher monetary value and in a similar style and colour without notice. Please note as with all natural products there may be slight variances in colour.
We are offering flowers delivery service all across Lagos, Nigeria. While same day delivery of flowers is available in Lagos, contact us via whatsapp to confirm possibility of the flowers you're about to select before ordering
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ZD Signature Roses and Chocolate Box: The Ultimate Rose Flowers for Her

Surprise her with the timeless elegance of rose flowers for her. This captivating combination of fresh red roses and decadent chocolates is the perfect way to express love, admiration, and heartfelt appreciation. Whether it’s a romantic gesture, a birthday treat, or an anniversary surprise, our ZD Signature Roses and Chocolate Box speaks volumes.

Why Choose Rose Flowers for Her?

Roses have always symbolized love and passion. Their beauty, coupled with the allure of rich chocolates, creates a gift that will make her heart skip a beat. Our expertly arranged bouquet of fresh red roses is nestled in a luxurious black velvet square box, adding a touch of sophistication to your surprise.

A Gift for Every Occasion

  • Birthdays: Make her day unforgettable with roses that radiate beauty and sweetness.
  • Anniversaries: Rekindle the romance with a gift that says, “I cherish every moment with you.”
  • Valentine’s Day: Show your love with the ultimate gesture of affection.
  • Apologies: Say “I’m sorry” in the most heartfelt way, with roses and chocolates that speak for you.

Whatever the occasion, our ZD Signature Roses and Chocolate Box is a versatile choice to convey your emotions.

Premium Quality You Can Trust

We pride ourselves on delivering only the finest. Each rose is hand-picked for its velvety texture and vibrant color, ensuring a fresh and lasting impression. Paired with indulgent chocolates, this gift is a sensory delight.

Fast and Reliable Delivery

We understand that timing matters when it comes to making someone feel special. That’s why we offer same-day delivery within Lagos, with a fast dispatch time of just 30–120 minutes.

Make It Extra Special

Add a personal touch to your gift! We offer options to include thoughtful extras like:

  • A cuddly teddy bear for added charm.
  • A bottle of wine for a toast to your relationship.
  • Gourmet chocolates to complement the sweetness of the roses.

Order Now to Make Her Smile

There’s no better way to brighten her day than with the ZD Signature Roses and Chocolate Box. This timeless gift is more than just a gesture – it’s a memory waiting to happen. Place your order today and let us deliver happiness right to her doorstep in Lagos.

ZD Signature Roses and Chocolate Box – a gift as unforgettable as she is.

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Select Size

24cm Small Box, 27cm Moyenne Box, 30cm Luxe Moyenne Box, 33cm Standard Box, 36cm Luxe Standard Box